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Showing posts with the label translators for olympics 2012

Translations for the Olympics in London 2012

As I was watching BBC Parliament today, MP Mark Menzies tabled a Rule Bill about amendments that should be introduced to Sunday Trading Legislation in view of the forthcoming 2012 Olympic Games in London. He  emphasized that the Olympic spirit can boost business and that London trading legislation should be adjusted to provide for the new demands that may arise as a result of the Olympic Games fever. Throughout his presentation I started thinking about the endless business opportunities that will arise as a result of the Olympics and the key role that translators and interpreters will be playing in London 2012. Hundreds of thousands of visitors from all over the world will come to England, many of them from non-English speaking countries. In order to welcome them, official documents, press releases, information about the Olympic camps and rules about the games, as well as brochures about London will be translated into different languages. During the games, the demand for interpreti...